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How does PVC Backlit Banner balance its durability and flame retardancy in these occasions?

In public transportation facilities such as subway stations, train stations and airports, advertising light boxes not only need to withstand the friction and impact of a large number of people, but also need to have high flame retardancy. How does PVC Backlit Banner balance its durability and flame retardancy in these occasions to ensure public safety while displaying advertisements?

In public transportation facilities such as subway stations, train stations and airports, the PVC Backlit Banner used in advertising light boxes does need to balance its durability and flame retardancy to ensure public safety while displaying advertisements. The following is a specific analysis of how PVC Backlit Banner achieves this balance:

1. Durability:

Material properties: PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is a solid, durable, lightweight material that is easy to clean and can withstand temperatures. These properties enable PVC Backlit Banner to maintain good durability when facing friction and impact from a large number of people.
Polyester fiber reinforcement: Most PVC standard materials contain polyester fibers, and the addition of this fiber further enhances the durability and tensile strength of PVC Backlit Banner.
Waterproof: PVC Backlit Banner is waterproof, which allows it to maintain its performance for a long time in a humid public transportation environment.

2. Flame retardancy:

Flame retardant performance: PVC itself is flame retardant, has good chemical stability, and only produces low tensile internal force. After adding an appropriate amount of flame retardant, the flame retardant performance of PVC can be further improved to reach the V level of UL94.
B1 flame retardant grade: The flame retardant grade of PVC soft curtain is B1, which means that when the PVC Backlit Banner burns, its flame spreads slowly, which helps to control the fire.
Antistatic properties: Adding antistatic agents to PVC raw materials can reduce the risk of fire caused by static electricity to a certain extent.

3. Measures to balance durability and flame retardancy:

Optimize production process: Through advanced production technology, ensure the uniformity, density and stability of PVC Backlit Banner, thereby improving its durability. At the same time, strictly control the amount of flame retardant added during the production process to ensure the flame retardant performance of PVC Backlit Banner.
Select high-quality raw materials: Select high-quality polyvinyl chloride resin and polyester fiber as raw materials to ensure the durability and flame retardant performance of PVC Backlit Banner.
Regular inspection and maintenance: Regular inspection and maintenance of advertising light boxes in public transportation facilities, timely replacement of damaged PVC Backlit Banner, to ensure its safety and durability.

PVC Backlit Banner achieves a balance between durability and flame retardancy in public transportation facilities through its unique material properties and production process. This balance not only ensures the effective display of advertising, but also guarantees public safety.


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